terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2012

Planeamento do território e expansão urbana



There is a long tradition of planned town-making in Britain, arguably dating back to the model communities and settlements of the 17th and 18th centuries. The notion of a programme to provide planned new communities in the public interest emerged at the end of the 19th century. New communities were first built through philanthropic and private initiative, as exemplified by the Garden City movement, but were subsequently developed by public authorities through the government new towns programme. This history is well documented and is not considered in great detail here. The related development form of the urban extension was first sponsored by public authorities under the auspices of the Town Development Act 1952. Today, the ‘sustainable urban extension’ is an important element in a portfolio of solutions to the problem of meeting the need for housing and related development. Both new settlements and urban extensions provide opportunities for concentrated rather than sprawling development. By virtue of their scale, and if carefully designed and developed to produce integrated, ‘holistic’ settlements, they can encourage and accommodate highly-sustainable patterns of living.

Fonte: Best Practice in Urban Extensions and New Settlements, Town and Country Planning Association, UK, 2007.

Se há área do conhecimento, em Portugal, que tem prestado, salvo raras excepções, um mau serviço ao País (o mesmo não sucede por exemplo com a medicina ou eletrotecnia) - em termos práticos - é a questão do ordenamento/ planeamento do território e expansão urbana. É caso para perguntar para que servem tantos cursos superiores e especializações, se os resultados práticos são praticamente nulos.



À semelhança do que sucede com as empresas, se os resultados são maus, as pessoas deviam mudar, e não ficar eternamente nos seus postos (a usufruir de chorudos salários) a repetir eternamente receitas fracassadas e ultrapassadas; quando os resultados são bons, aí sim, deverão ser homenageadas e premiadas.